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Three Excavator Attachments You Absolutely Must Have

Excavators are one of the most commonly owned multi-purpose construction vehicles across Australia. Most people think of them primarily for their ability to remove dirt and clear out a good space to start construction on. However, your excavator can be so much more than that, with the right excavator attachments of course. The trouble is knowing which attachments are useful in common situations and which ones you might pay thousands to only use once. Here are a couple of options you will want as part of a balanced and holistic excavator package. 


As far as excavator attachments go, a grabber is essential to keep up your sleeve. It allows you to make much more fine pickups than a simple excavator bucket does, opening up a whole range of possibilities. These include:

  • moving logs, pipes, metal poles and more
  • dragging down structures you wish to demolish
  • pulling trickily stuck rocks or other semi-buried materials out of the ground

If you plan on using your excavator in any traditional type of way then it is important that you have a grabber. A lot of excavators even come with grabbers as part of a package deal.

Crusher Bucket

A crusher bucket is one of the excavator attachments every construction crew wishes they had. Now they are more affordable than ever and made of extremely durable metal with fewer moving parts which means fewer breakdowns and more consistent output. Crusher buckets are used to turn rubble of all different sorts such as rocks, concrete, bricks, stone and whatever else you may have into tiny aggregate that can either be used in the building or more easily packaged and sold. Crusher buckets make clean up a lot easier and are essential for those that want to reduce waste and quicken their turnaround time. 


Rakes are used in both agricultural contexts and for those cleaning up a construction site. Rakes clean up twigs, branches, small plants and other assorted natural bits and pieces that you may need to be tidied up. In agricultural uses, it is often seen on farms preparing fields for seeds or even just to double-check whether an area is suitable for crop growth. Rakes are one of those excavator attachments that speed up a job that would otherwise be very tedious, which makes them essential to any business that values efficiency. Rakes come in many different shapes and sizes so make sure you have a look at the options and the surfaces you intend to use it on before you make a final choice.

To learn more about excavator attachments, contact an equipment supplier near you.
